Hello again, Argentina



Many buildings from the 19th century as the Salta police headquarters or the legislative palace, a work of the swiss architect Francesco Righetti.


San Francisco Church and Convent and Church Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria de la Viña


Cerro San Bernardo
Nice views of Salta and a aerial tramway from Switzerland to get there


A poem for Salta from Emilio Viñals.


Park San Martín with a statue of Dr. Facundo de Zuviria from the argentinian sculptor Dolores Mora Vega (Lola Mora).



Church San Jose de Cachi


Museo Arqueológico „Pío Pablo Díaz“


Nevado de Cachi, the mountain range in the west.


Passing over Paso Jama on the way back into Chile to San Pedro de Atacama. On the chilean side the Route 27 reaches an altitude of 4810 m passing by at the salar de Jama and volcán Juriques.


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